One day a man had a conversation with God: 'O God! I know heaven and hell What are they? 'God guided him to two and one of them in the open He looked inside look at the man, right in the middle of the room there was a large round table that It was a dish of stew, which smelled so good that his mouth would water, people were sitting around the table were very slim now sick and dying, starving to be came, they lost their spoons with very long handles that were in this category was attached to the upper arms, and each of them could easily lose Inside its container.Stew take to fill your cup, but since the categories of had longer arms, back and hands could not take the spoon in mouth his stick I was sad to see the misery and torment them, Allah said: 'You Hell See, now is the turn of Heaven ', they went into the next room and opened the door to God, it was exactly like the previous room, a round table with a bowl of stew on it and round table, like the room before they had the long handle of a spoon, but strong enough and was obese, and they laughed, he said: 'God does not understand? ', He replies : 'It's easy, just need to have a skill, the nose? They have learned to feed each other, while the greed of people working Prior to their room only to think! ' > moses when he dies, you think, when Jesus was crucified, you would think, when you think of Muhammad's death is found, control It is words that they have the tail end of the language, the words of deep ages and ages to remind us that have loved each other, which enter your fellow kindness, love your neighbor, because no one Alone Into the paradise of God (kingdom of God) will not
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